Joseph Sheppard Lasbury
Death of a Crimean Veteran
Naval Funeral in Kingswood
The “Last Post” was sounded at Holy Trinity, Kingswood on Saturday, when Mr. Joseph Sheppard Lasbury, a Crimean veteran, was laid to rest. He was born at East Harptree when King George IV was King. When 22 years of age he joined the gunboat Viper, and was on active service in the Baltic during the Crimean war. Discipline was maintained with much rigour in the Navy in those days, and for a trifling offence that would have merely met with a reprimand today, he was flogged. As some consolation he was later given the Baltic War medal. He also served on the Indus, and was engaged in running down slave traders on the African coast. On leaving the marine service in the winter of 1864, he was married and took his wife to America, where he settled for a time. He returned to England forty years ago, and has since resided in Kingswood. His death was accelerated by a fall in the street three weeks ago.
Joseph Sheppard Lasbury died 15th October 1912 Kingswood, Bristol.
My thanks to Kelvin Bendle for sending this article.